Counter strike m4a1 - Cs m4a1 - Cs Weapons - Counter strike - Counter Strike WeaponCounter strike 1.6/Source M4a1 guide, tips and tricks

M4a1 is the primary weapon of counter-terrorists and it is expensive as compare to ak47...M4a1 is quite accurate at all the ranges but you have to burst 2-3 bullets then strafe at long distance and for the close/medium range you can just spray your enemies...
One important note is that you should not try to out-pick an awper/sniper from medium to long range with the M4a1.

If you compare m4a1 with ak47 then m4a1 is better in accuracy but ak47 is more powerful then m4a1 because one shot of m4a1 at head gives 82 damage when your opponent has a helmet while ak47 gives 103-105 damage...

If you are habit-ed of using large aim then you can use silencer over it otherwise you shouldn't...

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