AMX Mod X is a Meta Mod plugin which will modify your Counter-Strike server, It will help you to manage your server more easily and this will create more fun for sure...

In AMX Modes you can easily add admins without revealing "rcon" password and in these modes you can have more functions like Voting system that means "Vote Kick" "Vote Map" Vote Ban" etc and many more

Installing AMX Mode X is actually very easy but configuring it maybe complicated. Follow the steps below to "Create Counter-Strike Amx MOD X"

First of all "Download AMX Mode X Here"

The next process is quite difficult for me to explain..You will receive 2 installers...First is Amx Studio which you have to install at desktop.

And the Second Installer will show you this

You have to "Select Mod Directory"

And then you have to choose your location, which will be "cstrike" folder.

And you will see one more thing known as "Custom Game Addon" and in that you have to select "Counter-Strike"

But If you receive an error such like "Couldn't find liblist" then it means that you did not select the correct path which should be "cstrike folder"

Thats it, You successfully "Created Counter-Strike AMX Mode X Server"

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