- Now, here's how the buy scripting works in Source. First type which key that
you want to bind (for this example we will use f1):

bind f1

- Now, decide which weapon you would like f1 to buy, we'll use the AK-47:

bind f1 "buy ak47"

- And that's it...of course there's more things you can add such as buying
Primary Ammo, Kevlar, Grenades, etc. So we'll do one so that we buy an
AK-47, Primary Ammo, Kevlar, and a HE grenade:

bind f1 "buy ak47; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"

- You can also combine 2 different team specific weapons into the same binds.
Like the AK-47 and M4A1:

bind f1 "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"

- The following formats can be used and your scripts will still function

bind f1 "buy ak47; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"
bind "f1" "buy ak47; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"
bind F1 "buy ak47; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"
bind f1 "buy AK47; buy PRIMAMMO; buy VEST; buy HEGRENADE"
bind f1 "buy ak47;buy primammo;buy vest;buy hegrenade"

- You can also add text headers in your autoexec in order to keep different
types of binds separated and labeled. Just add "//" to the beginning to make
sure that the game doesn't try to read it as a command. The following is an

//Weapon Binds
bind f1 "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"
bind f2 "buy sg552; buy aug; buy primammo; buy vest; buy hegrenade"

//Game Configs
cl_showfps 1
cl_smooth 0

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